PocketBook InkPad Color and PocketBook InkPad Lite - these two models ranked in the Top 5 e-readers of 2021 according to Goodereader, one of the most authoritative English-language online magazines about electronic reading.
PocketBook devices continuously stand out for their innovation and unique features that provide users with a flawless reading experience. The Goodereader authors bring viewers’ attention to the first colour e-reader with a large screen E Ink Kaleido ™ Plus and the most affordable e-reader with a unique diagonal screen of 9.7 inches.
The fifth place in the Top 5 e-readers of 2021 went to PocketBook InkPad Color. The reviewer pays tribute to the innovative E Ink Kaleido ™ Plus colour screen, which is ideal for reading comics, manga, graphic novels and PDFs.
Another device from PocketBook took third place in the rating. Of course, we are talking about the InkPad Lite e-reader, released this autumn. The first thing that catches your eye about this model is its large screen and updated design with side control buttons. The device also impresses with its price - PocketBook InkPad Lite is the most affordable e-reader with a 9.7-inch screen.
PocketBook regularly pleases readers worldwide with new models that differ not only in names but also in unique technologies, functions, screen sizes, etc. 2021 was no exception, and the fact that two PocketBook models hit the prestigious rating from Goodereader at once is an excellent demonstration of the popularity and relevance of the brand.
You can watch the entire review of the Top 5 e-readers of 2021 by Goodereader here